We strive to deliver outstanding service, to our clients and their projects, our community and employees.

At AMA Projects, we strive to be recognised for the integrity with which we work. Corporate Social Responsibility refers to our commitment to recognise and manage our impact on society and the environment; and ensure our business activities are being undertaken in a socially responsible and environmentally conscious manner.

In this we aim to

  • Conduct our business in a way that minimises environmental impacts;
  • protect the rights and wellbeing of all persons involved in our operations;
  • engage in ethical, fair, and equitable dealings;
  • support development and growth of local communities and associations; and
  • promote the use of local businesses, suppliers, and trades to invest in the Australian economy.

Our company’s social responsibility falls under three categories, Environmental Responsibility, Ethical Responsibility, and Economic Responsibility.

Environmental Responsibility refers to minimising our impact to the environment through reducing waste and pollution; and promoting sustainable and energy efficient solutions.

Ethical Responsibility refers to acting in a fair and equitable manner in all our dealings; and supporting the rights and wellbeing of persons involved in our operations at all levels.

Economic Responsibility refers to supporting local trading and participation in the industry, and strengthening the Australian Economy.

Environmental Responsibility

AMA Projects is committed to Environmentally Responsible Practices such as:

  • Reducing harmful practices such as polluting, green house gas emissions, using single waste plastics, consuming water, and generating waste; and
  • Promoting energy efficient solutions through specifying use of renewable, sustainable, and recycled materials where practical.

Ethical Responsibility

AMA Projects is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our dealings. In this, we aim to protect the rights and wellbeing of all people involved in our operations including:

  • Eradicating modern slavery;
  • not participating in fraudulent, corrupt, or anti-competitive behaviour;
  • protecting the wellbeing and rights of children;
  • promoting indigenous participation; and
  • supporting gender equality.

Economic Responsibility

So far as is reasonably practical, AMA Projects is committed to ensuring only locally-sourced materials are used on its projects in order to promote local economic stability and growth. Our strategies include:

  • Building, leasing or procuring infrastructure that supports Australian communities;
  • providing skills and training that benefits Australian communities;
  • employing workers in Australia;
  • paying taxes in Australia;
  • employing Economical and Sustainable Development principles to save Whole of Life costs
  • Contributing to positive social outcomes in Australian communities;
  • use of indigenous businesses;
  • using Subject Matter Experts in delivering goods and services, such as a subcontractor or supplier; and
  • using goods and services from a business that provides services of persons with a disability.