18 Marcus Clarke Street End of Trip Facilities


Private Client




Lump Sum

  • Live Operating EnvironmentLive Operating Environment
  • Traffic ManagementTraffic Management

AMA Projects was engaged by ISPT to deliver end of trip facilities to the basement level of 18 Marcus Clarke Street, creating facilities to promote alternative methods of commuting and physical wellbeing.

The end of trip facility was constructed in the car park, which required significant new service infrastructure to be installed. The carpark remained fully operational throughout the works, which required the implementation of traffic management and hoarding by AMA.

The scope included demolition of the existing facilities, installation of new partitions and doors; new floor and wall finishes; tiling; new custom joinery and plumbing; new FF&E and signage; and upgrade of services to suit the new layout of the male, female, and gender neutral facilities.

Taking on a project in an existing basement car park presented many challenges with existing services. By working collaboratively with the consultants AMA Projects were able to resolve these clashes and deliver an optimal outcome for our client